Perk Rocky

Potential for a large Cu deposit in a premier mining jurisdiction

Perk Rocky (10,475 ha)

  • 8 x 5km alteration zone
  • Advanced Argillic alteration with transition to porphyry environment
  • Extensive Copper/Gold anomaly
  • At least three locations of outcropping porphyry mineralization


    Property Geology

    The Perk Rocky Project is located 220km west of Williams Lake and comprises claims totalling 91.95 kmcovering a large alteration zone of at least 9km by 2.5km. The project is accessible via Highway 20W and the Miner Lake Forest Service road. The project represents an excellent opportunity for exploring a high-potential, early stage, Cu-Au porphyry system in a premium location in British Columbia.

    Perk Rocky is characterized by a lithocap environment with multiple zones of advanced argillic alteration identified through different mapping and sampling campaigns by previous operators. Cu-Au porphyry mineralization has been reported from different locations within the property. Detailed geological mapping, and additional rock sampling is required to properly define the best drilling targets for the 2025 season. Current rock sampling shows values up to 0.91% Cu, and 5.6 g/t Au; the most recent work at the property was conducted by Ethos Gold from 2019 to 2021 and included mapping, sampling, VTEM geophysics, and drilling of 2,049m in six holes. Sable’s immediate work will include data compilation and organization, and reprocessing of geophysical data; when the project is accessible in June, the company will conduct extensive mapping and prospection along with rock and spectral sampling.
