Rusty Peak

Potential for a large Cu deposit in a premier mining jurisdiction

Rusty Peak (1,942 ha)

  • Large alteration zone
  • Advanced argillic and sericitic alteration reported by historical ASTER
  • Reported porphyry mineralization at the nearby K-showing
  • Favorable geology along the margin of a Cretaceous tonalite stock


    Property Geology

    The Rusty Peak property comprises a large colour anomaly located on the southern margin of a Cretaceous stock which intrudes Cretaceous volcanic rocks. A porphyry occurrence “the K showing” is located on the SW margin of the stock and work conducted by Cities Service Minerals Corp in 1973 revealed quartz monzonite and granodiorite dykes with sericite, biotite, and epidote alteration, as well as quartz-magnetite stockwork. ASTER and Sentinel spectral work conducted in 2022 shows the existence of sericite, illite, alunite, kaolinite, and iron oxides within the color anomaly. This combination of alteration minerals suggests advanced argillic alteration transitioning to sericitic within a porphyry environment.
