Copper Queen

Potential for a large Cu deposit in a premier mining jurisdiction

Copper Queen (2,864 ha)

  • Explored by Anaconda between 1968 and 1969
  • At least five Cu mineralized breccias
  • Porphyry system of at least 4.5 by 2km
  • No exploration field work since the Anaconda times


    Property Geology

    The Copper Queen property (2,864 ha) is located 25km NW of the Perk Rocky land package. Exploration work conducted by Anaconda American Brass between 1968 and 1969 shows the existence of quartz feldspar porphyries and at least five mineralized diatreme breccias within a porphyry system of approximately 4.5 x 2km. Only rock results available come from work in 1982 at the Breccia 1 including several samples >0.5% Cu up to 0.75% Cu associated with chalcopyrite and bornite mineralization. Anaconda apparently drilled 182m in 2 holes in 1969. Anaconda did not file detailed information about the drilling but reported grades from 0.2 to 0.3% Cu in 6 to 25 metres intervals. Rio Tinto drilled two holes totaling 119m on the southern margin of Mc.Clinchy Lake following a chargeability anomaly; Cu mineralization was observed but results were not significant. Minor sampling visits were conducted in 1982 and 1994, and a 900km VLF-EM and radiometric survey was conducted by Seaborne Minerals in 2011. Summarizing, there is no exploration activity in the property since 2011 and no actual mapping since the Anaconda times.  For the 2024 summer, the company is planning a preliminary field review and sampling of the mineralized breccias.
