El Fierro

Potential for a multi-million
tonnes Cu-Au-MO deposit

  • Potential for a multi-million tonnes CuAuMo deposit
  • Never drilled or explored by any company prior to Sable
  • Three targets identified at this point including: Pyros CuAuMo porphyry system; Antenna Hill AuCuAg IR system; Over 8 km of polymetallic subepithermal veins
  • Prime location: 120 km south of Filo del Sol – Jose Maria porphyry systems in similar Miocene age rocks; 250 km NW of city of San Juan and 120 km north of Sable’s Don Julio Project
  • Two Drilling Campaigns completed in 2020-2022 with 15,284m in 90 holes
  • 75,000 hectares controlled by Sable
  • Option to Acquire 100%


    Property Geology

    El Fierro is a large (approximately 10 km x 10 km) magmatic hydrothermal system located on the eastern margin of an interpreted Miocene caldera. Magmatism as currently known is centered on the Pyros porphyry stock and the Antenna Hill diorite stock, both of 20 Ma.

    Peripheral to these intrusive centers and distributed in four main zones there are a number of sub-epithermal polymetallic veins that were the initial focus of Sable’s exploration and yielded very significant intercepts of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn mineralization in multiple holes drilled by Sable.

    After discovering the Pyros porphyry, Sable’s exploration focus shifted to the discovery of a large Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit which is currently the target.

    El Fierro Fig 1

    Figure 1

    Distribution of polymetallic veins around the magmatic centres of Pyros and Antenna Hill

    Sable drilled 13 holes at Pyros in 2022 discovering a large multiphase Miocene stock hosted within Permian granitic rocks; several of the holes intercepted significant intervals of Cu-Mo-Au mineralization as shown in Figure 2.

    Definition of higher-grade zones at Pyros will be the main objective of future campaigns. Additionally, Sable drilled one scout hole at the Antenna Hill which returned multiple short intervals of Au-Cu-Ag mineralization including 8.75 m @ 0.88% CuEq, and 2.0 m @ 1.5% Cu.

    These anomalous gold, copper, and silver values show the metal affinity of the Antenna Hill target system and enhance the quality of the exploration target.

    Figure 2

    Significant drill intercepts at the Pyros porphyry zone

    El Fierro Fig 2

    Exploration to Date


    First Drilling Campaign

    3,278 m in 25 holes


    Second Drilling Campaign

    12,006 m in 65 holes
    completed in May 2022

    2,045 rock samples collected

    4,082 soil samples collected

    Excavated multiple kilometres of trenching

    GroundMag covering all the known targets and IP surveys on selected areas

    Sable’s work at El Fierro started in early 2020 with prospection, mapping, and sampling.

    To date, 2,045 rock samples, and 4,082 soil samples have been collected, multiple kilometres of trenching have been excavated, and two geophysical campaigns comprising of 400 km of GroundMag and 77 km of Induced Polarization have been completed within the project.

    This work provided the Company with a strong basis to define targets and allowed the discovery of the Pyros Cu-Au-Mo porphyry system and the Antena Hill Cu-Au-Ag targets.

    The first drilling campaign in Q1-2021 comprised 3,278 m in 25 holes and the second program of 12,006 m in 65 holes started in Q4-2021 and was completed in May 2022.
