Don Julio


  • Potential for one or more multi-million tonne Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposits
  • Five Miocene porphyry targets – three tested in 2021-2022
  • Numerous additional targets include intermediate sulfidation veins, breccias and Zn-Pb-Cu skarn
  • All targets drill permitted
  • Currently exploring under Earn-in Agreement between Sable and South32
  • Premium location: 160 km and three hour drive from the city of San Juan
  • Part of the Miocene Andean mineral belt that hosts world class Cu-Mo-Au porphyry deposits to the south (Pachon, Los Azules) and Au-Ag high sulfidation deposits to the north (Veladero, Alturas)
  • Sable holds the rights to acquire 100% ownership of 69,350 hectares
  • Additional exploration potential out of the cluster in regional targets

    Donjulio Map

    At Don Julio, Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks from the basement for three generations of porphyries: 280 Ma, 8.5 Ma, and 7.3 Ma. The large Don Julio lithocap comprises alteration from these three events.

    Outside the lithocap there are two intermediate sulfidation vein targets (San Gabriel and Lodo), and one Zn-Pb-Cu skarn (Fermin), the latter one was partially tested in 2022.

    Five Miocene porphyry targets (Gringa, Morro-Poposa, Punta Cana, Colorado, and Tocota) are located within or around the lithocap area and are the current focus of the Company’s  exploration program that is funded through the Earn-In Agreement with South32.

    Don Julio Fig 1

    Figure 1
    Don Julio Project showing location of main targets

    During the 2021-2022 season, three out of five porphyry targets have seen drilling during the 2021-2022 and/or the 2022-2023 season. The Tocota target is drill-ready after mapping, additional rock and soil sampling; and the Colorado target will see additional IP surveys before being drilled for the first time in December 2024.

    Don Julio – La Gringa Target

    La Gringa target has become the focus of exploration within Don Julio.  During the last two exploration seasons, the Company drilled 12 holes at La Gringa extending its footprint to 1.6 by 1.2km and defining several styles of mineralization such as Cu-Mo porphyry; high-grade Cu-Au in high-sulfidation “mantos”; and finally mineralized breccias with diatreme style. The Gringa porphyry center is a 7.3 Ma system that has only been drilled to the depth of its “Moly halo”: a zone with biotite alteration in host rock with abundant B-type veinlets and Mo>Cu.

    Don Julio Fig 2

    Figure 2
    Main drill intercepts at the La Gringa target

    Punta Cana Target

    The Company discovered the Punta Cana porphyry in November 2021. The Punta Cana Au-Cu porphyry is located approximately 1.5km west of the southern margin of the known lithocap over an area of approximately 400m by 400m. Surface samples collected over the porphyry zone are as high as 3.2 g/t Au; and 0.53% Cu.  During the 2022-2023 exploration season, the Company drilled one hole at the Punta Cana target (DJ-DH-23-16), results from this hole were released on April 26, 2023.

    Don Julio Fig 3

    Figure 3
    Distribution of Cu in holes DJ-DH-22-06, DJ-DH-22-08, DJ-DH-22-16 drilled at Punta Cana showing the large magnetic anomaly associated with the main diorite stock

    Don Julio – Poposa/Morro Target

    After this season we are consolidating the Poposa and Morro zones, combining historical data with new observations. In 2022 the Company drilled holes DJ-DH-22-01, 02, and 03, which did not reach the planned depth due to technical drilling issues. Hole DJ-DH-22-02 showed B veinlets with Mo mineralization. Prospecting work completed during this season found several magmatic hydrothermal breccias containing porphyry veinlets fragments east of the historical hole ATW-05 drilled through a Miocene diatreme, which also contains biotite altered fragments. The combination of all these observations strongly suggests the presence of a magmatic-hydrothermal center with porphyry mineralization at depth.

    Don Julio – Colorado Target

    21km of IP survey were completed this season along the main Chita valley, located 3km East of La Gringa target expanding considerably the size of the known hydrothermal system at Don Julio. This included one of the main achievements of this geophysical program, the Colorado chargeability anomaly. The IP anomaly seems to be connected to the Colorado breccia, a structurally controlled breccia with high grade Cu-Au, which contains advanced argillic alteration and high-sulfidation mineralization. The chargeability anomaly is covered by Quaternary gravels on the valley and represents a high-potential target at lower elevation.

    Don Julio Fig 4

    Figure 4
    Panoramic of the Colorado breccia projecting towards a chargeability anomaly found on the main Chita Valley

    Don Julio – Tocota Target

    Tocota is an outcropping porphyry centre located on the SE part of the Don Julio cluster. A diorite intrusive with B-type and Maricunga veinlets is outcropping and subcropping in an area of approximately 400x400m. Au-Cu mineralization reaches values up to 0.4 g/t and 0.4 % respectively. The porphyry mineralization at Tocota coincides with a very strong, and vertically continuous magnetic anomaly. A soil grid of 628 samples was completed this season covering the Tocota target showing a strong coincidence of Cu and Au with the mineralized area; a large NW tending anomaly of As, Sb, Mo, Te, Bi is located NW of the mineralized area at higher elevation and may suggest additional porphyry mineralization at depth. The road access to Tocota was completed last season and the target is drill ready for the 2024-2025 season.  

    Don Julio Fig 5

    Figure 5
    Panoramic of the Tocota Cu-Au porphyry target with its main geological features

    Fermin Target

    Fermin is a Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu skarn that was discovered in 2020 and drill tested for the first time during the 2022-2023 exploration season with two holes (DJ-DH-23-20 and DJ-DH-23-21) intercepting the targeted calcareous unit.  Hole DJ-DH-23-20 returned 2.45% ZnEq (1.6% Zn; 1.01% Pb; 2.73 g/t Ag) over 5.0m from 165.0 to 170.0m; including 3.85% ZnEq (2.49% Zn; 1.7% Pb; 2.09 g/t Ag) over 1.0m from 165.0 to 166.0m; and 5.33% ZnEq (3.64% Zn; 1.95% Pb; 7.9 g/t Ag) over 0.5m from 168.5 to 169.0m.

    Additional to the Punta Cana, La Gringa, Poposa and Fermin targets, the Don Julio cluster includes several intermediate sulfidation vein systems such as San Gabriel, Lodo and Colorado, all of which are untested.

    Exploration to Date


    First Drilling Campaign

    3,100 m in 11 holes during 2018-2019 season


    Second Drilling Campaign

    4,292 m in nine holes during 2021-2022 season


    Third Drilling Campaign

    6,068 m in 13 holes during 2022-2023 season

    3,029 rock samples collected

    1,711 soil samples collected

    460 km of Mag collected

    30 km of Induced Polarization collected

    Sable’s work at Don Julio started in 2018 with prospection, mapping, and sampling followed by a drilling campaign of 3,100m focused on High Sulfidation targets. Since then the company has advanced mapping, sampling and geophysics in different areas of the property defining several porphyry and epithermal targets.

    To date, 3,029 rock samples, and 1,711 soil samples have been collected. Several geophysical campaigns comprising 460 km of UAV Mag and 30 km of Induced Polarization have been completed within the project. 

    In 2021 the Company signed an Earn-In Agreement with South32, which fully funded two drilling campaigns (2021-2022 and 2022-2023) totaling 10,362m in 22 holes. The Company is currently planning the 2024-2025 drill campaign consisting on 2,000m, again fully funded by South32.

    Los Pumas

    • Located 21 km South of Don Julio Project
    • Discovered in late 2020 by Sable’s exploration team
    • Au-Ag-Cu Mineralization – Combination of High-Grade and Low-Grade Styles
    • Rock Samples up to 103 g/t Au, 2,650 g/t Ag, and 2.9% Cu
    • 6 km by 4 km mineralization footprint
    • Located within the Don Julio property block and included within the Earn-In agreement with South32

    Property Geology

    Los Pumas consists of a 4 by 6 km alteration zone associated to the contact between Permian granites and Carboniferous metasediments. Abundant felsic and mafic dykes of unknown age crosscut the two mentioned lithologies.

    At least five clusters of mineralization have been found showing different styles such as quartz-tourmaline veins/breccias, sheeted quartz veinlets hosted by granite, and discrete high-grade structures in metasediments. The alteration observed includes sericite, K-Feldspar, tourmaline, magnetite and carbonate, associated with sulfides such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, and tetrahedrite.

    Current surface sampling shows values of up to 103 g/t Au, 2,650 g/t Ag, and 2.9% Cu. In Q4 2021 the company performed trenching in different zones of the project and collected continuous channel samples that returned encouraging values such as 35.2 m @ 0.71 g/t AuEq (19.93 g/t Ag, 0.067 g/t Au, 0.29% Cu) in trench 9; 31.4 m @ 0.3 g/t AuEq (5.7 g/t Ag, 0.015 g/t Au, 0.16% Cu) in trench 8; and 33.4 m @ 0.35 g/t AuEq (15.45 g/t Ag, 0.032 g/t Au, 0.072%Cu, 86 ppm Mo) in trench 12; all of them from the Pumas main zone.

    Figure 1
    Highlighted surface samples at Los Pumas Projects expressed as Gold Equivalent (AuEq g/t U$1,500 per ounce of gold, U$20 per ounce of silver, U$3.0 per pound of copper

    Figure 2
    Significant values from trenching at Los Pumas main zone

    Los Pumas Map

    Exploration to Date


    First Drilling Campaign

    Los Pumas is a very early-stage project and has never been drilled.

    619 rock samples collected

    1.6 km of trenches excavated

    7 km of road access rehabilitated

    23 km of new roads built

    Los Pumas is a very early-stage project; it has never been drilled by Sable or any other company.

    The company has collected 619 rock samples, excavated 1.6km of trenches; rehabilitated 7 km of road access, and build 23 km of new roads to connect the different zones of the project.
