Cerro Negro – Potrerillos

Exploring for covered porphyries in a prolific Miocene belt

  • Au-Cu-Mo porphyry target
  • Conceptual target, concealed mineralization under Quaternary gravels
  • Magnetic and IP anomaly, Miocene intrusions, Cu-Au-Mo-Ag anomalies in rocks and soils, favorable alteration in nearby rocks
  • Never explored or drilled before

    Property Geology

    At Cerro Negro, a large magnetic anomaly coincides with a Miocene dacite intrusion, which is fully surrounded by gravels. Two IP lines acquired in 2023 revealed chargeability anomalies on the SW and NE margins of such magnetic feature. MMI soil sampling showed highly anomalous Cu, Au, Ag, Mo and pathfinders anomalies partly matching the IP anomalies. The coincidence of geophysical and geochemical anomalies suggests the presence of a concealed porphyry system below the gravels. Small Cu occurrences have been found in the nearest sedimentary country rocks with values up to 0.15 Cu and 64 ppm Mo. These anomalies are interpreted as distal geochemical leaking from a concealed mineralized system.  The Potrerillos (19,000 ha) property is located 25km NW of Cerro Negro and partially covers a much larger magnetic anomaly.

    Exploration to Date


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    The Cerro negro property was staked in 2023, followed by basic field review finding the Miocene intrusion; then the company decided to conduct two IP lines (9km) and subsequently collected 291 MMI samples along the IP lines obtaining significant anomalies. No fieldwork has been conducted at the Potrerillos property.
